
MGA Implants Are Back!

Everything you need to know about ordering, storing, and using the new implants below.

What Has Changed?

  1. The new implants are pre-sterilized through a gamma irradiation process, eliminating the prep time, inconvenience, and cost incurred by applying ethylene oxide sterilization protocols.
  2. Standardized Strengths and Sizes:
              • To achieve the specific dosage required for each animal, zoos will now select from 6 standard sizes and weights in grams.
              • This may mean combining or rounding up to the nearest available implant size to obtain the desired dose
              • Contact the AZA Reproductive Management Center at contraception@stlzoo.org or 314.646.4595 for advice on how to dose the animals you intend to implant. In your communication, please include the most recent body weight of the animal(s) to be treated. It is also useful to know if the animal has been implanted previously and whether a previous implant is still in the animal. If you leave a voice message, please leave your phone number AND an email address.
    • This adjustment is designed to standardize the production process, ensuring efficiency and the longest possible Beyond-Use Dates (BUDs) for the implants. (The BUD is the date beyond which a compounded medication should no longer be used.) 

      MGA_Strengths and Pricing Chart
  3. Advanced Ordering System: Due to the rigorous rounds of processing—including compounding in our labs, sterility testing, and gamma irradiation—advance planning is essential. The lead time required to make the MGA implants is approximately 6 weeks from the “order-by” date. We have created the chart below to help you plan to meet your individual contraceptive program’s needs. 

    Orders for our next batch of MGA implants must be placed by October 1st for delivery the week of November 11th. This is a much longer lead time than you have been used to in the past. Please refer to the chart for additional batch dates to ensure that you meet the necessary ordering deadlines.
    MGA Implant Ordering Schedule_0619 1 
  4. Revised Beyond-Use Dates (BUD): Changes to compounding standards made by United States Pharmacopeia (USP) have reduced the BUDs of MGA implants to 45 days*** from the date of compounding, necessitating our batch production timelines. We estimate that you will have approximately 16-18 days on average to use implant before it reaches its Beyond-Use Date (BUD).  
  5. Ordering Through Wedgewood: All orders will be processed through Wedgewood Pharmacy, either by calling 866.823.9314 or ordering online at Wedgewood.com. We recommend calling in your first order so we can answer any questions that may arise. If you decide to place your order online, you may need to write multiple prescriptions to combine implant sizes to achieve your desired dose. 
  6. Free Expedited Shipping: To accommodate the reduced BUD, we are providing free overnight shipping to ensure that you have the maximum window for usage. 

PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately, due to state regulations, Wedgewood is unable to ship MGA Implants to California and Missouri. We expect to be able to ship to those states in the near future, and we will notify you when that occurs.

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What Has Stayed the Same?

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The Formula

The MGA Implant formula compounded by Wedgewood is the same formula and made with the same ingredients as those previously compounded by ZooPharm.

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Customer Support

Our dedicated team of MGA Implant-experienced pharmacists, formerly of ZooPharm, are ready to assist you through the new ordering process, whether you choose to place your order by phone or online.

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Commitment to Quality

We continue to meet and exceed the highest quality standards for compounded medications. 

We understand that the adjustment to combining strengths represents a shift in how you manage contraceptive needs. Our team is prepared to guide you through these changes and support your efforts in providing the best care for your zoo animals. 

Please review the charts above for detailed pricing, implant strengths and sizes, and mark your calendars with the new order submission deadlines. Remember, MGA implants are back, and with these updates, we're setting the stage for a more efficient and user-friendly experience. 

We appreciate your partnership and look forward to continuing to serve you with excellence. 

***Wedgewood will continue to invest in the additional sterility and stability testing required by USP to extend the BUD of the MGA implants in the future. We will update you when we can offer a longer BUD. 

Are the new implants different from the ZooPharm implants?
New Wedgewood implants are made with the same ingredients, but the compounding process has been modified to ensure implants are completely homogenous. Wedgewood implants will also be pre-sterilized prior to being shipped out so no final sterilization is needed (ready to be implanted). The implants will also be molded with the same general diameter to weight ratio previously at ZooPharm (0.1g, 0.25g, 0.5g, and 1g will be in a 1cc syringe diameter; 3g will be in a 3cc syringe diameter; 6g will be in a 6cc syringe diameter)
Is the ordering process different?
No, the MGA implants will continue to require a prescription. The only difference is the number of sizes available. Currently, implants will be available in 0.1g, 0.25g, 0.5g, 1g, 3g, and 6g implants. All prescriptions must be in one of these size options. It is recommended to place your first prescription over the phone with one of our experienced pharmacists to ensure all your questions are answered, and the prescription is entered correctly.  
What if I need a size that is not available (i.e., a 1.6-gram implant)?
If the weight of the needed implant does not fall into the standard sizes listed above, multiple implants can be prescribed to reach the desired implant weight. In the example above, a 1g implant, 0.5g implant, and 0.1g implant could be prescribed for that animal. Please contact the RMC to discuss your individual animals needs at contraception@stlzoo.org or 314.646.4595.
How should I store the implant once I receive it?

The implant should be stored at a controlled room temperature (68° to 77°F) and left inside its sterile pouch until you are ready to place the implant.  

How long will I have to place the implant once I receive it?
The current implant-by date (or BUD) will be 45 days from the date it is compounded. The process for sterilizing and testing the implants after compounding can take several weeks. This makes timing of your order and scheduling the surgery date for implantation especially important. When you place your order, we can provide the estimated ship date of the implant along with the expected BUD. 

Get In Touch

We'd love to hear your questions and feedback. Please reach out to us at hello@wedgewoodpharmacy.com.