Your Partners in Equine Health & Performance
Trusted leaders in equine veterinary compounding Wedgewood Pharmacy, Precision Equine, and Wickliffe Pharmacy have saddled up and merged to bring you an even greater experience, including:
An expanded, dedicated team of equine specialists
A higher level of service
An expansive breath of medications and products
At the core of our integration, what remains constant is our mutual commitment to delivering quality care and service for you and your equine patients.
Who will I need to order through?
For the next several months, your ordering experience won't change. You'll continue to order through your current pharmacy, with the same team you know and trust. As we consolidate our pharmacies in 2024, we'll provide detailed guidance.
Who is my representative?
Your representative will remain the same, whether you're a customer of Wedgewood, Wickliffe, or Precision. We're committed to maintaining the relationships you've built. If we don’t have the preparation that you are looking for, we are happy to connect you to one of our other pharmacies for fulfillment.
How long will the merger take?
We anticipate the merger process will take several months. Rest assured; we'll keep you informed about any changes that could impact you.
What will the new company be called?
We're working on the combined company's name, but what's most important is our ongoing commitment to delivering high-quality medications and conducting business as an extension of your practice or business.
How will the experience change?
We anticipate that changes to your experience will be minimal. The merger presented an opportunity for us to expand dedicated teams, services, products, and focus for equine customers. The new combined team will include 10 combined dedicated pharmacists, 14 account management team members, as well as a dedicated marketing team, and access to two additional pharmacy locations.
Will my pricing change?
We are currently conducting an evaluation of our pricing across all three pharmacies. As we look forward, our top priority is to create a streamlined and aligned pricing structure that will still be accessible to our customers.
Get In Touch
We'd love to hear your questions and feedback. Please reach out to us at hello@wedgewoodpharmacy.com.
Our family of pharmacies
We're standing by to help deliver high quality compounded medications that meet the unique needs of the horses you care for.